Notion P.A.R.A Dashboard
Hashim | Notion4Management
Built on the PARA organisation system proposed by Thiago Forte in his well know book "Building the Second brain"
P: Projects
A: Areas
R: Resources & Notes
A: Archive
Transform your productivity with this state of the art Notion Template and effortlessly manage your Projects, Tasks and more!
Capture and organise your Resources and Notes and group them by Areas and Topics!
1. What is Notion?
Notion is a comprehensive and fully-integrated workspace that simplifies note-taking, task management, project planning, and organisation. Designed with versatility in mind, Notion offers a user-friendly interface that facilitates productivity and maximises efficiency. Whether you're a writer or a project manager, Notion is the ultimate workspace to help you get things done.
2. What is Notion template?
Notion templates are ready-made components that can be imported into your Notion workspace to optimise your productivity and save you a ton of time. These templates are tailored to specific needs. By utilising Notion templates, you can streamline your workflow and accelerate your productivity in no time.
3. How I will receive a template?
Click "I want this" button and Duplicate this template to your Notion workspace.
4. Does Notion have a Free plan?
6. If you have any other questions
If you have more question, feel free to drop me an email or DM me on Twitter.
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